
老挝115/10kV Lao-Jinda变电站试验和调试项目圆满完成

时间:2023-11-23 点击:2708

老挝115/10kV Lao-Jinda变电站试验和调试项目圆满完成

115/10kV Lao-Jinda Substation Testing And Commissioning Project Was Successfully Completed


2023年4月,115/10kV Lao-Jinda变电站需要紧急送电投运,在面对工期紧,送电急的压力,我公司积极组织相关专业人员,保质保量完成了相关试验和调试工作,并于2023年5月,圆满完成任务,保证了变电站的及时送电,获得了业主方的好评。

On April 2023, the 115/10kV Lao-Jinda substation needed urgent power transmission and put into operation. Faced with the pressure of tight construction schedule and urgent power transmission, our company actively organized relevant professionals to complete relevant testing and commissioning work with quality and quantity. And on May 2023, the work was successfully completed, ensuring the timely power transmission of the substation which was well received by the End-User.


