
库尔纳330MW联合循环(双燃料)电厂项目 中国驻孟加拉大使姚文一行莅临库尔纳电厂项目参观指导工作 新闻稿

时间:2023-11-23 点击:2633




北京中缆通达电气成套有限公司承建的KHULNA 330MW联合循环电厂项目位于孟加拉国库尔纳市北部,距离库尔纳市中心约6公里,位于Bhairab河的南岸,距离孟加拉国首都达卡约270公里。该项目的合同于2016年签订,项目正式启动于2019年。公司电厂团队克服疫情严重影响,并于今年完成该项目的单循环168小时的试运行。







News Release

The KHULNA 330MW Combined Cycle (Dual-Fuel) Power Plant Project

Visited and guided by the Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh, Mr. Yao Wen, and his delegation


The KHULNA 330MW combined-cycle power plant project undertaken by CCC Engineering Company., Ltd. is located in the northern part of Khulna City, Bangladesh, approximately 6 km from the city center, on the southern bank of the Bhairab River, and about 270 km southwest of the capital city, Dhaka. The contract for this project was signed in 2016, and the project officially commenced in 2019. Despite the significant impact of the pandemic, the company's power plant team successfully completed the single-cycle 168-hour trial operation of the project in this year.


Ambassador Yao Wen and his delegation from the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh visited the project on August 29, 2023, to provide guidance. He attentively listened to the on-site project personnel regarding the project progress and the situation of Chinese project personnel. He expressed full recognition and high appreciation for the smooth implementation of the project, emphasizing the importance of ensuring high-quality completion of the KHULNA power plant project, promoting local employment opportunities, improving the living standards of local residents, and driving economic development.


Under Ambassador Yao's encouragement, our company redoubled its efforts and successfully achieved the crucial milestone of a combined-cycle 168-hour trial operation on September 6, 2023. The entire power plant has been smoothly handed over for commercial operation.



