老挝115/22kV TONPHENUNG变电站供货项目圆满完成
老挝115/22kV TONPHENUNG变电站供货项目圆满完成
115/22kV TONPHENUNG Substation Supply Equipment Project Was Successfully Completed
2022年4月,北京中缆通达电气成套有限公司(CCC Engineering Ltd)与老挝当地公司(MP Construction Co., Ltd)正式签署关于老挝115/22kV TONPHENUNG变电站供货合同,在疫情期间面临运输困难的情况下,于2022年10月,安全的把货物运至目的地,并且获得了业主方的认可,目前已经完成全部应收款项收款。
On April 2022, CCC Engineering Ltd and a local company in Laos MP Construction Co., Ltd officially signed a supply contract for the 115/22kV TONPHENUNG substation in Laos, facing transportation difficulties during the epidemic Under the circumstances, On October 2022, the goods were safely transported to the destination, the End-User's approval was obtained, and the collection of all receivables has been completed.